SCJP 6 Questions: Widening, autoboxing and varargs in overloading

The code is given:

3.  public class Bertha {
4.    static String s = "";
5.    public static void main(String[] args) {
6.        int x = 4; Boolean y = true; short[] sa = {1,2,3};
7.        doStuff(x, y);
8.        doStuff(x);
9.        doStuff(sa, sa);
10.       System.out.println(s);
11.   }
12.   static void doStuff(Object o) { s += "1"; }
13.   static void doStuff(Object... o) { s += "2"; }
14.   static void doStuff(Integer... i) { s += "3"; }
15.   static void doStuff(Long L) { s += "4"; }
16. }

What is the result?
A. 212
B. 232
C. 234
D. 312
E. 332
F. 334
G. Compilation fails

Answer:  A is correct. 

Explanation: It's legal to autobox and then widen. The first call to doStuff(), x is boxed from int to an Integer then passes these two objects (Integer,Boolean) to varargs (Object.... 0).

The second call cannot widen and then box (making the Long method unusable), so it boxes the int to an Integer. And then it goes to doStuff(Object o) because Integer is-A Object. As always, a
var-args method will be chosen only if no non-var-arg method is possible.

The third call is passing two objects—they are of type 'short array.'

1) Widening beats boxing
2) Widening beats var-args
3) Boxing beats var-args

Now see the rules for overloading methods using widening,boxing and varargs...

1) Primitive widening uses the "smallest" method argument possible.
2) Used individually, boxing and var-args are compatible with overloading.
3) You CANNOT widen from one wrapper type to another. (IS-A fails.)
4) You CANNOT widen and then box. (An int can't become a Long.)
5) You can box and then widen. (An int can become an Object, via Integer.)
6) You can combine var-args with either widening or boxing


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