How to install apk file in Android device ?

Just connect your android device directly and select USB debugging option in the device.

The eclipse Id will find your android device itself and now you can run the code.

Second option: Just paste your apk file in android sdk tools folder and then use command prompt install like given here.

C://Android/......../tools>adb install filetoInstall.apk

Note:  If somebody have a different idea, he can reply.


  1. If you have installed Android SDK into your system at directory(For example): C:\Android\android-sdk

    Then first add the path of adb: like C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools where adb.exe exist into environment variable path.

    Then go to run-->cmd and then go to C:\Android\android-sdk\tools and put your apk file here. Now you can install it using following command.

    C:\Android\android-sdk\tools> adb install yourApkFile.apk
    If you get path not found then you have not updated environment variable 'path' for adb.

  2. But don't forget to start your avd first..means start your emulator first and then run adb.


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